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    My Deejo shows traces of rust

    Traces of rust that may appear on your knife are a result of a lack of maintenance and not a defect in design or manufacture. As such, your knife cannot be exchanged.

    Our Deejo knives are made of stainless steel, Z40C13, which contains over 13% chromium. They are therefore protected against oxidation and compatible with food use. If traces of oxidation appear on your knife, they are characteristic of the oxidation of the steel which has probably been in extended contact with moisture without being properly dried.

    However, and without assistance from us, you can thoroughly clean your knife with a dry cloth, being careful not to injure yourself. If the marks persist, lightly dampen your cloth with 90° alcohol or nail polish remover, focusing on the most marked areas. Dry the axle as much as possible and then grease it with a drop or two of fine oil. This should effectively remedy the problem.